Amer Atiyah  

Recruitment might be the Most Important Thing You Do as an Executive

As a business owner or executive, you might wonder how to get the right people working for your company. In fact, I believe it’s one of the most important things that you can do as a leader.

As a leader, your job is to make things happen. The only way you can do that is by getting people who are capable and ready for the task at hand to work together toward a common goal. Recruiting—finding new talent and then hiring them—is crucial in this process because it ensures that you have people who can make things happen when they need to.

I believe that recruitment should be treated as one of your core responsibilities as an executive; if you don’t get it right, nothing else will matter much either. Your company needs new hires who fit into its culture and can contribute effectively from day one; if there aren’t enough good candidates available (or perhaps even any), then it’s hard for any organization to thrive long term—especially when competition heats up or market conditions change rapidly like they do today!

Is your company on a mission to succeed?

You should know the answers to these questions, and you should be able to explain them to anyone who asks. It doesn’t matter how old your company is or how small it is—you need to know what you’re here for.

You probably have a mission statement written somewhere on your website or in a brochure, but if that’s all you have then I’m sorry but that’s not enough!

Do you have the right people in your business to help you get there?

Hiring the right people is paramount to growing your business. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that recruiting and retaining a team of people who are passionate about what they do and who want to be part of an organization that is committed to growth is critical.

If you don’t have the right people in place, it doesn’t matter how much money or time you invest into developing your business—you won’t get anywhere.

How do you know if you have the right people working for you and with you?

One of the best ways to determine this is by having a clear vision for your business, as well as clearly defined objectives. The clearer these are, the better your chances of attracting and retaining top talent that can help fulfill them. This applies to both external recruiters and internal employees alike—the better they understand what those visions and objectives are, the more effective they’ll be in finding people who will help accomplish them.

You also need an effective recruitment process that attracts quality candidates—and then keeps them on board once they’re hired! To make sure this happens: evaluate whether or not your current methods are working effectively; consider changing things up if necessary; make sure everyone involved in recruitment has access to all relevant information about positions being filled so there aren’t any gaps between departments (which could lead one department hiring someone without considering whether or not other teams need it). Finally—and most importantly–don’t forget about employee retention strategies: creating an environment where employees feel valued is key if you want turnover rates low enough so that new hires become valuable additions rather than just replacements!

Are they really the right fit for your company, or just right because they’re available?

The right person is the one who fits your company culture, wants to do the job and will be happy in their role.

This isn’t as easy as it sounds. The hiring process is fraught with challenges and can take months or even years for a single position to be filled. So how can you tell if a candidate is really right for your company? A good way to start is by making sure they are actually qualified — that means having the skills and experience needed to do their job well — but also making sure they have other qualities that make them an ideal fit for your company culture.

For example, let’s say you have an open position for a marketing manager at your firm: You need someone who has marketing experience but also excellent communication skills so they can communicate effectively across different departments within the organization without disrupting workflow or deadlines. This may seem obvious, but not all candidates will include this information on their resume or cover letter — which means it’s up to you (the recruiter) to ask pointed questions about what makes them stand out from other applicants vying for this role.

So, how do you go about getting the right people working for you and with you?

Recruiting can be a daunting task for any executive. You are trying to get the right talent and people on your team, but you don’t know what they look like or how to find them. It’s easy enough to hire someone who isn’t right for your organization, but how do you go about getting the right people working with and for you?

Budgetary constraints should not keep a company from recruiting top talent. Many organizations give themselves a set budget per month or year in which they must fill certain positions within their organization; however, there are ways around this if it is necessary:

  • If you’re hiring full-time employees, consider hiring temporary laborers until permanent workers can be found through other means (such as an agency). The temporary employee will have many of the same qualities as a regular one would—only at a fraction of the cost! They’ll also get paid less than their permanents counterparts because they’re only temporary employees after all! This will allow more money towards attracting better candidates through other methods listed here today… So now that we’ve covered some tips on finding quality personnel via traditional means let’s talk about another way we might attract good employees: social media platforms like LinkedIn where companies advertise job openings directly onto users’ feeds when viewing specific groups related by location or industry interest areas.”

If your company wants to grow it needs an effective workforce development plan.

A workforce plan is a document that establishes your company’s strategic approach to recruiting and retaining talent. It lays out how you will develop your employees, from entry level roles to senior leadership positions. It can help you identify gaps in your talent pipeline, allowing you to take steps toward correcting them before they become an issue.

The first step in creating a good workforce plan is understanding what makes up a good one:

  • A strong executive leadership team commitment: Your leaders have to be willing and able to set aside time for the initiative, and provide support at every level of the organization so that everyone knows it’s important.
  • A clear definition of success: What do you want your company culture to look like? What types of candidates do you need going forward? Defining these things will help guide decisions about where investments should be made—and whether those investments are paying off.


Let’s be honest, there are so many things that can go wrong in a business. But as an executive, it is your job to make sure that the right people are working for you and with you. Your recruitment strategy should be a key part of your workforce development plan.

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