Business Personal Life
Amer Atiyah  

Should you listen to others and when


Like me, you’ve always been a little control freak. You like to be in charge of how things go; otherwise, it’s just chaos. This can lead to problems when you try to make friends with people who don’t share your fiery personality or desire for control. It’s easy for someone else’s opinion to influence your actions, especially if they don’t realize what they are doing! However, this doesn’t mean that we should just give up and let everyone else have total control over our lives.

A lot of people are influenced by the opinion of others, and they don’t even know it.

You should listen to others, but what I mean by “listen” is not necessarily what you think. You should listen and take in the information that others give you, but when it comes to making a decision or taking action on something, then you need to think for yourself. If someone tells you something and they say it with confidence and authority, then obviously there is some value in their words. However, just because someone has an opinion does not mean their opinion will work for everyone or even most people all of the time.

A lot of people are influenced by the opinion of others and they don’t even know it. They don’t even know it because they are not aware of it! They don’t even know that they are being influenced by another person’s idea or thought process because they often believe they came up with their own idea initially—which may be true since we can be influenced without knowing about it!

From the color of your clothes to the way you laugh and from how you sit to how you walk, if other people are influencing you in any way, then you are letting them control your life.

At this point, you may be thinking that I am saying that you should never listen to what other people are saying. That is not it at all. You should always listen to others and take their advice when they give it. After all, they have been through things that you have not and they can give you valuable information on how best to go about handling your situation or problem. However, in order for the person giving advice or feedback on a certain topic or situation to be effective in helping you solve your problem, it must be something related directly back to what has happened before with no outside influences creeping in between them (i.e., if someone tells me “you’ll never get promoted because of xyz reason,” then they are completely missing my point).

If another person is influencing your decisions even slightly then they’re controlling some part of your life; so make sure those decisions aren’t controlled by anyone else but yourself!

If you let everyone else control your life, then who gets to be in charge?

The only person who can control your life is you. And if you let everyone else in the world tell you what to do, who gets to be in charge? Once someone starts telling you how things should be, it’s easy for them to convince themselves that their opinion is right and make decisions based on nothing but their own point of view. In this way, opinions become opinions turned into reality rather than a suggestion or an idea.


If you let everyone else control your life, then who gets to be in charge? You should think about what you want out of life and plan how to get there. Don’t allow yourself to be swayed by the opinions of others because they don’t know what’s best for you.

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